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About Us

One in Spirit Healing Arts Society strives to ignite a more inclusive level of healing by helping people connect their personal and family stories, with nature and with each other through community. 


Wisdom and science are merging – the opportunities are ripe to use multiple dimensional expressions of art to reconnect communities while promoting equality, unity, reconciliation, and healing. The urgency to create healthier communities for our children has never been greater.

Programing and projects:
- Promote well bei
ng and mental health, through storytelling 

- Share and preserve indigenous culture
- Bring people together and build mutual empathy, equality and compassion


Healing visions and intentions at the core of One In Spirit

The OISHAS team promotes art in the purpose of healing. All over the world the arts, in multiple forms, have proven to enhance physical, mental and emotional healing. The importance of artistic creativity continues to grow as times become more stressful.


Our goal is to assist community members, with our diversity, to participate in learning and/or practicing art forms for the purpose of well being while having fun.

A variety of projects for the initial launch of One In Spirit

Projects we are initially working on include:

Walks in nature for small groups (8 - 10) to share their personal stories and learn about the locations where they walk. Including such aspects as sacred historical awareness and current local medicinal species

Art in the Park - small gatherings where children/teens can explore artful activities with elders and mentors and expand ideas and self-awareness. Sharing in safe picnic lunches

Publish one or more booklets for the Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society to utilize in their workshops for immigrants and newcomers

Produce a documentary on the Alberni Indian Residential School court cases. Check out the TRAILER our YOUTUBE Channel by clicking on the ICON below.


By experiencing nature, we are experiencing ourselves... together.


OISHAS will promote, as much as possible, art in nature. The world has become over-institutionalized and nature deprivation is widespread. Mother Nature is healing. Being in nature forces us to be present. When we are present we can tap into our personal power and self-esteem. Much of what we do will be outdoors. Possible projects are limitless.

Art is for everyone. Future projects will rely on volunteers willing to teach people their special art forms. OISHAS is dedicated to inclusivity. We want people of all races and ages to learn about any art that interests them. This will assist in moving forward with reconciliation and the acceptance and tolerance of each community member. This can only lead to community health.

“It is better to give than to receive” is a well known truth. It feels good to help others and it feels good to help yourself on your journey of healing. Join us in celebrating the arts and well being.

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